Delock MiniPCIe Card Reader SIM Card

Articolo n. 95926
95926 Delock MiniPCIe Card Reader SIM Card
95926 Delock MiniPCIe Card Reader SIM Card small 1
95926 small 2
95926 small 3
95926 small 4
95926 small 5
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This miniPCIe card reader by Delock can be used together with a GSM/UMTS module, in order to integrate a SIM card into your PC or notebook. Thus you can communicate within the radio network and use e.g. mobile internet.

Dettagli tecnici

• MiniPCIe
• For SIM card
• flexible adhesive foil for mounting directly on the module – except for modules which already
provide the pins for connecting the SIM card reader

Requisiti di sistema

  • A GSM/UMTS module

Contenuto della confezione

  • Card reader


  • Antistatic cover

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